To be an “A” student: How to prepare for a test
     Are you a type of student who crams for a test tomorrow or a day after tomorrow? Do you regularly study your lessons or take a seat, with all readiness to strike the keys for online games or social network after your classes? Do you want to have an excellent grade or test result, or do you find contentment to get a median score or you just simply sulk after a fiasco? Whichever is your answer, there is always a link between preparation for a test and the grades that you will receive afterwards. Remember, tests or exams are measurement tools in many forms: written, oral, projects, reports, etc. They measure your mastery and performance, so a well-prepared mind is necessary to engage in the test prepared and designed by your clever teacher. To help you have a good test result, here are the best ways you can do.

   1. Studying and writing. To study a lesson, you basically look at the texts or words found in your notes and books. Remembering all of them is impossible especially when your brain is also somewhere else. Chances would be that your brain is too pre-occupied at the same time. Therefore, making a variation from looking at your notes, writing the texts could help you to focus more on the details and to identify the most important words, phrases and ideas. In that case, you will be able to underscore in your mind what you have rewritten substantially.

  2. Proper note-taking. During lectures, it is very beneficial to listen carefully to your teacher. Learn to take down notes efficiently and patiently. Some teachers, don’t write on the board, so in order not to miss the essentials of your lesson, take “good ears” and write down the important information. If you have difficulty in writing a lengthy sentence or idea, use abbreviations which you are capable of decoding and clarifying after the class. It can help you cope with your teacher’s speaking speed.

   3. Group study. Studying in groups is an interactive and effective strategy if taken as a “serious-group-study-time” per se. Sharing of ideas in a group study can generate understanding and can provide more information to a student who has difficulty in a certain area. How is it done? Brainstorming of what is probably going to be asked during the test can at least give you a “peep” of the real test. Let’s say you list down all possible points together. “Two heads are better than one”. Thinking and discussing in a small group of classmates is advantageous because as your classmate speaks, you also gain more knowledge and new ideas. Unlike when you study alone, you will probably sleep with your notes under your pillows.

   4. Enough sleep. There is no other artificial remedy to make use in gaining “fresh mind” before the test other than getting enough sleep. Sleep before 12 midnight or at least, go to bed at 10 in the evening.

  5. Little exercise. The benefit of exercise is long term, not only, for test preparation. To stay physically fit is good for mental wellness. However, a strenuous exercise is not recommended during that time. Light exercises such as brisk walking and biking in low rates are found suitable, especially when you have your study notes with you.

  6. Eat healthy food. When stomach is gnawing hungrily, the brain cannot work well. Before you take any test, fill your stomach with less oily or fatty meal. That is a universal and common idea in addition to eating healthy food in the right amount. It should be part of your life style. Nowadays, a lot of fast food can lead to a slow brain activity.

   These are tips which you may use if you want to be an “A” student. I believe that every individual has a mental ability to cope with any forms of examinations. However, the bottom line is that one’s natural intelligence becomes useless if not well-taken care of. Therefore, there is a need to nourish your intelligence in a right way without disregarding every opportunity of doing such. Good luck!
       Graduation Day is…
      In layman’s terminology, graduation day signifies the day of receiving a full academic mark after completion of studies in elementary, secondary, or college education or any full degree achieved after a number of years. For all students around the world, graduation day is a long-awaited event which will make a difference because students will be considered as “graduates” who have academically passed their requirements. In other words, graduation day is an important occasion for every family. Likewise, graduation day is the day of marching in the aisles of an auditorium where all families, relatives and friends share in the so called “rite of passage” or “commencement exercises”.
       What about the graduation ceremony? Normally, during graduation ceremony, students are dressed in identical caps and gowns or clothes. In some countries, graduation clothes or gowns have different colors to represent the levels, courses, degrees or programs. In the past, gowns had only one plain shade, either white or black with an accent of red, pink, green, etc. As modernity in dressing has evolved, graduation gown has become “academic gown”, “graduation dress” and “graduation attire”. As to whichever of these terms is used, it means the same idea-a graduation costume.
     What is the highlight of this event? The valedictory speech, an address made by the top graduate of the class, is one which is receiving a standing ovation due to his or her efforts and success in academic life. Other best parts are the following: giving of diplomas and certificates, and imposing of medals to graduates who have excellent performance in curricular and co-curricular activities. Of course, the Legion of Honor is said to be the highest award given to a deserving graduate. All of these completely give flavor to the graduation rites.
      There is one thing that the “concept of liberation” brings in the life of the graduates, considering the other side of the concept itself. Now that they are liberated from projects, requirements, theses, and assignments, the ceremony is expected to end with all graduates throwing their hats into the air. These are known as mortarboards (an academic cap with a flat square with a tassel on top). It is a sign of rejoicing over their new status or new role.
The last but not least, gifts and parties are everywhere! 


Tips to have good time management
     Time management skills, once developed in a student, become a strong foundation of study habits. These are also indicative of how much discipline is used, which helps a student cope with bigger responsibilities at home and school. In a wider scenario good time management is like an investment which has a long term number of benefits.
Try these tips to help you develop good time management skills.
    1. It is important to establish a good study habit. In doing this, you need to study at the same time each day so that it becomes automatic in you. If you already have it as part of your daily routine, it is easy then to plan out reviews by setting aside, perhaps 30 to 40 minutes day. Distractions are common but they can be eliminated. In completing your assignments, write them down coupled with awareness of the due date and checking them if completed properly and promptly.
    2. To plan properly for top work, you need to set up the calendar of your school. Figure out how your academic term runs. You can do it briefly; at least you know the outlined details. For your fixed commitments such as meetings, exams, projects, readings, holidays, etc, you need to mark out the time and dates. In addition, allot time for extra-curricular and recreational activities with your family and friends.
   3. To become a more effective and efficient student, you need to make a day-to-day list of routines, errands, and study time. It is beneficial to be organized because you have a clear-cut number of things to do. Check also what you accomplish in a day and what to follow up in the next day.

    4. Following your plans means not letting peer pressure to dictate what you must do. Your goals are very important; therefore, you need to set your priorities. Always look into the most important and least important. In this case, you will be able to bring out the best in you rather than the worst thing to happen.

    5. Time is gold! Never procrastinate or at least try to overcome delays by considering the time. Whenever you get an assignment, start it so you can finish it without rushing, making your assignment or project with quality. Remember that procrastination causes stress and sleepless nights.
Attending school is a time in your life. Your preparation and performance greatly and definitely influence on how the rest of your life turns out to be. Be wise in managing your time.

Habit of procrastination…
     One of the natural assassins of an opportunity is the art of procrastination. It is a common and deadliest disease which curtails a possible success of a person. Should you do the task immediately, you are lucky to grab that opportunity that comes at once. However, if you cling to the concept, “I-do-it-tomorrow”, your delaying tactic will never bring back the time to get a promising chance. The fact that procrastination is not selective becomes one existing major problem among growing children, adolescents, and adults. It is embraced by all people regardless of sex, race, social status, etc.

     In schools, for example, teachers encourage the students to wisely manage their time spent in studying lessons, completing homeworks, doing household chores and indulging in pastime activities. The repetition of a constant reminder is oftentimes ignored. Requirements or projects or tasks are also delayed or done in rush time leading to a low quality of outputs. What can we expect from them? The habit of procrastinating runs in their system already.
    While this habit is formed by now, mentoring is a serious commitment. Of course, people have to live up what they want to instill in the minds of youngsters or children. If the mentors proactively mean what they say, “do-it-now”, the individuals can somehow simulate that specific aspect. You see, it must all begin from the elders as role models to enact the tenets of time as an important element of success. However, mentoring is a total failure if the problem of procrastination is not addressed properly.
Therefore, the great challenge lies among the mentors who have a lot of lessons to share to the students, and any lesson of success can inspire them to do good and better. Remember, there is always a corresponding consequence to any action!

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